Today my little baby turned 18 months old! I love how her half birthday is on my birthday. Makes our day extra sweet! I wanted to post about her life at 18 months old so I never forget this super fun stage she is in!

So here is all about Millie at 18 months old:

  • She loves babies. She is quite the little mother hen these days. As we have started prepping our house for baby sister to come, she has started to use all the baby gear for her baby dolls. I am constantly walking into a scene of Millie putting her babies to ‘sleep’ in the MamaRoo all swaddled up to the best of her abilities. It is the sweetest thing to watch her develop motherly instincts so early on in life!
  • I never want to forget the way she says “Please, Please” and nods her little head up and down when she’s asking for something. MELTS MY HEART. She sure knows how to get what she wants cause I can’t say no to that sweet sound of her saying please and nodding her head yes!
  • She loves people and tries to get whatever attention she can from anyone! When we are at restaurants or at the store she is always smiling and saying “hi!” to everyone around her. She sure lights up anyone’s day that she meets!
  • Millie has quite the tender heart. If someone is crying or acts like they are hurt or in trouble, it breaks her little heart. As soon as she realizes someone needs help she immediately runs over and starts crying until the person is okay, then she gives them all the hugs she can to make them feel better! It is the sweetest thing.
  • She is still an amazing eater! She hasn’t had a food that she doesn’t like or will refuse to eat! She tries whatever we put in front of her. All thanks to Baby Led Weaning.
  • She is a gabber box lately. Always talking to herself and telling us all kinds of stories! I swear each and every day she learns a new word. I love how she is also learning how to communicate her needs with us.
  • Her favorite toys right now are her Poke-a-Dot book, her Nugget couch, and her abacus. She also is very good at playing peek-a-boo and chase. She LOVES being chased around as we say “I’m gonna a get you!” There’s no sweeter sound than hearing that sweet contagious laugh. I’d play chase with her all day just to hear her giggle!
  • She is very energetic, and inquisitive. Always learning and exploring. She is also very independent and loves to just play by herself. Since she was a young age, we started independent play because I had done some research about how beneficial it is to kids to have time each day to play independently. I know this will also be very nice when we have the new baby. She doesn’t rely on us to help her play at all!

We love our big girl. I can’t believe that her time as an only child is coming to an end so soon. Part of me is so excited to watch her become a big sister and love on her baby sister! But there is also a part of me that feels a little sad about this stage of life coming to an end. I know this is a super common thing that mom’s experience as they add new additions to their families especially the second child. She’s my little baby and seeing her grow up is so fun but also a little heartbreaking all at the same time!

Man, parenting can be tough on your emotions but it has been the best thing. Looking back on these last 18 months of being a mom, I can honestly say that it has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I never thought I could love somebody as much as I love my daughter. It is an indescribable feeling. My transition to motherhood was easy. I never had that ‘transition’ period. I was super prepared and had so much knowledge from my career background and other personal experiences I was fortunate to have growing up. I know that isn’t the same for everyone. It is super common for new mom’s to struggle and that is okay! Everyone’s journey is different so don’t sit and compare yourself to anybody but yourself!