Hello mama’s! Today I am so excited to tell you about my pregnancy must haves.

First up, every soon to be mama needs a pregnancy pillow. Heck, I think EVERYBODY needs a pregnancy pillow- pregnant or not! I didn’t get one during my first pregnancy but after getting one a month ago, I don’t know how I ever lived without one. You can find various one’s like this one all over Amazon. However, I got one from Malouf Sleep. Malouf is a high quality luxury sleep brand so I figured I couldn’t go wrong with getting a pillow from them! I have not been disappointed. Full body support pillows help keep you on your left side so you don’t accidentally roll over onto your back during your sleep. This is super important during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy to prevent compression of the vena cava blood vessel which disrupts blood flow to your precious babe!

I am all about comfort during pregnancy and I recently got a house dress from Lates by Kate and my life has been changed. So comfy. So functional. You could easily dress it up or down if you’re needing to run a quick errand! I also love how this will easily transition into Post Partum recovery since the functioning buttons are PERFECT for nursing. I need to get like 10 more before this baby comes because I know this Spring/Summer I will basically be living in these dresses.

Another comfy piece of clothing I have been living in lately are my IVL leggings. These are so buttery soft and feel so comfortable around the belly/waistline. I was looking into buying actual maternity leggings but have heard mixed reviews. After purchasing my leggings from IVL I know I would be set for the rest of my pregnancy. Highly recommend this brand- pregnant or not!

25 Weeks Pregnant!

I am not the best at drinking water everyday. I definitely go in spurts where I do great at drinking a bunch of water everyday then I go days where I am terrible. I have found that having some flavoring in my water helps keep me hydrated. I also found these helped my nausea during that first trimester. My go to flavorings are from True Lemon. They have great flavor but are also made of good ingredients.

One other item I use towards the last few weeks of pregnancy would be this ClaraDerm spay from Young Living. This is great to help prevent any tearing. Sometimes you are bound to tear during delivery but using this spray helps ‘soften’ things up down there! Use this before you deliver and after to help the healing process. I didn’t tear at all when I delivered my first little one and my recovery was basically next to nothing! I like to think this played a big role!

I am also a huge sucker for belly butter/belly oil! Whether you get stretch marks or not is completely up to your genetic make up. HOWEVER keeping that baby belly nice and moisturized is important and CAN help. Towards the end of your pregnancy I am sure most of you have experienced the terrible itchiness that occurs when you seriously can’t think your belly can grow any more but it does. During this time having belly butter/oil can help with the itchiness. If you can, applying belly butter multiple times a day helps keep it extra moisturized. I have been loving Bio Oil and Burt’s Bees products this pregnancy. I like to believe this helped me get zero stretch marks during my pregnancies. But who knows! Maybe it is all in my head!

A few other essentials that I recommend are: a good prenatal vitamin, heating pads for all those aches and pains, compression socks, and lots of healthy snacks to keep you from digging into all the treats! I also highly recommend having some nursing pads on hand. Most women leak breastmilk/colostrum towards the end of their pregnancies so having these on hand will help when that does happen so you don’t have wet spots all over your clothes! Oh the joy’s of motherhood!



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